Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

We are aware that transitioning to a new school is an exciting time, and one that can bring about a number of queries from parents and students. Please read through the information below that will hopefully support with answering any frequently asked questions you may have.
Our Family Handbook can be found here
All relevant information for parents has been communicated via email.
If you wish to view any correspondence sent regarding transition, please email admin@stbb.org.uk
Important dates 2024:
Transition letter from Mr Shepherd, Headteacher
New to Year 7 Parent’s Evening – Tuesday 18th June 6pm in main hall
Year 7 Transition Day – Tuesday 2nd July
As a school, we are delighted to welcome your child into our community and are looking forward to getting to know our new cohort of students. We look forward to working together to support your child in their academic journey at St Benet Biscop.
With regards to uniform, all of our uniform expectations are clearly outlined in our Family Handbook.
The Family Handbook can be found here
Our appointed uniform supplier is Michael Sehgal & Sons.
A link to their website can be found here
Advice from Michael Sehgal & Sons:
Demand for sizes can be unpredictable from year to year, our best advice is to order new starter uniforms early. Do not wait until August, when spot shortages can take several weeks to replenish. Orders will be processed on a first come, first served basis and we guarantee that orders placed by the 31st July deadline, will be fulfilled in time for the new term.
If you are unsure about sizes, you can book a one-to-one uniform fitting appointment online