Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

Students at St Benet Biscop can take part and take a lead on daily prayer and reflection. Our pastoral tutor team meet with our pupils each morning, and with the support of the school chaplain, they take part in prayers that reflect our weekly themes or focus upon the liturgical season. In addition to daily prayer, pupils have a fortnightly form of collective worship with their Head of Progress, a member of the school’s leadership team or with their fellow pupils taking the lead. Our collective worship follows the diocesan format of gather, listen, prayer and mission.
Collective worship aims to enable all members of the community to:
• Reflect upon the mystery that is God
• Provide opportunities for students and staff to pray together
• Heighten student’s awareness of questions related to the ultimate mysteries of life
• Grow in liturgical understanding with specific reference to the Catholic tradition;
• Respond to life’s challenges, enjoy celebrations and comfort/console at times of difficulty
• Celebrate the richness and diversity of creation (environmental stewardship)
• Give opportunities for silent contemplation, reflection, personal response and prayer
• Express our faith as a Christian community
• To support and enhance the personal development of our students