Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

St Benet Biscop aims to provide a wide ranging and holistic educational experience. Rooted in Catholic tradition. We provide students with the values that will allow them to grow, develop and ultimately contribute to the communities in which they belong.
St Benet Biscop believe that every child has God given gifts and talents, and as a school community, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that these talents are nurtured, and that children flourish during their time with us. We aim to ensure that our students have a sense of belonging in our school community: that they feel like they have significance, and value, and that as a student body, they are all equal.
The development of values shapes our student's character, to live a full life responding to Gods calling and living out these values in positives daily actions through stewardship, this expands beyond school and the local community. It allows our students to be the person God intended them to be, contributing to the common good and society.
The St Benet Biscop Way is rooted in the Gospel values and lived out by our community. This gives all of our students the opportunity to "Rise up and Shine" Isaiah 60.
St Benet Biscop students are respectful and kind and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual, acting to make a positive difference in the lives of others. We have respect for self, for others and keep each other safe.
Students speak respectfully and politely, they are stewards of the school buildings and grounds by keeping them clean, tidy, and free from litter.
Students are considerate and courteous towards members of the local community.
St Benet Biscop students 'stick at it', remain positive and have the strength to persevere.
We see mistakes as opportunities to learn and show resilience. Students challenge themselves to do it better next time and use mistakes to their advantage.
St Benet Biscop students are truthful and honest in all areas of life.
When faced with tough decisions and hard choices, they do the right thing, even when it's difficult or when no-one is looking. They give their work and keep promises. St Benet Biscop students understand that they need a positive attitude to make the most of their talents. They value themselves, each other and treat each other as we would wish to be treated.
St Benet Biscop students follow the rules; first time, every time. They are respectful and kind to all members of our school community and its visitors. In and outside of lessons they positively encourage each other to learn.
St Benet Biscop students are ready for the school day, arriving on time, fully equipped for learning and meeting deadlines.
St Benet Biscop students work hard and persevere to be the best version of themselves.
They have high expectations and work hard and persevere striving for excellence in all they do.
Students never give up on learning because when they work hard, they can be proud of how far they have come. They are determined to get better and understand that the journey is as important as the destination. We celebrate effort and excellence through our culture of rewards.