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Taught by specialists, our Year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum prepares our students for the challenges of Key Stage 4  and  from the outset in Year 7, is tailored to support and develop the necessary knowledge and skills our students will need to be successful. Furthermore, it provides additional stretch and challenge to the most able, whilst ensuring that provision is in place to ensure those that need to catchup, do so quickly. Our curriculum embraces students of all ability and encourages challenge and high expectation for all: supporting and stretching all students to be the best they possibly can be.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum


The school aims to provide a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum in line with the National Curriculum. Religious Education is at the centre of the curriculum at St Benet Biscop and it is taught throughout the school.


At Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) all students study:

  • Religious Studies

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Art

  • Drama

  • Geography

  • History

  • IT/Computing

  • Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish)

  • Music

  • Physical Education

  • Technology (Textiles, Food & Nutrition and Product Design)


Students also study personal, social, health, and citizenship education (PSHCE), through regular, weekly Core Studies lessons.




Key Stage 4 Curriculum


At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) all students continue to study:

  • Religious Education

  • English Language and English Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Examined as either Trilogy or separate Sciences)

  • Physical Education

  • PSHCE (Core Studies)


Also, there are optional subjects which include:

  • Art and Design

  • Children's Play, Learning and Development (BTEC)

  • Geography

  • Health and Social Care (BTEC)

  • History

  • Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish)

  • Music

  • Performing Arts

  • PE (BTEC)

  • Business Studies (BTEC)

  • IT (BTEC)




Key Stage 5 Curriculum


We welcome all students into Year 12 and offer a choice of two programmes of study; both vocational and academic. Vocational programmes of study are offered at varying levels to suit individual student needs.

A Level Choices in Year 12 and 13


At St Benet Biscop we offer the following subjects:

  • Art and Design

  • Biology

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Drama & Theatre Studies

  • English Language

  • English Literature

  • Media Studies

  • French

  • Geography

  • Health & Social Care

  • History

  • Mathematics

  • Further Mathematics

  • Religious Education

  • Physics

  • Product Design

  • Psychology

  • Physical Education

  • Spanish


Vocational Programmes

Students may select from several BTEC National courses including:

  • Children's Play, Learning and Development

  • Health and Social Care

  • Physical Education

  • Business Studies (Applied General)


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Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust

St Benet Biscop Catholic Academy is part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust,

a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number No 7841435. 

Registered Office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH


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